The witchcraft sourcebook summary
The witchcraft sourcebook summary

In their defense, there was no trained physicians that could properly treat yellow fever so it became difficult to write a story solely based on guesses. Newspapers were hesitant to release stories regarding yellow fever because businesses feared that word of an epidemic would cause a quarantine to be placed on the city and trade would suffer. If the cases multiply and the sign of the times plainly indiare the approach of an epidemic, the able editors of our valuable daily journals, under what i must pronounce a most erroneous impression of their duty to the public, studiously endeavour to conceal or suppress the true state of affairs” (Fenner, 2008). “When informed of the first cases of yellow fever that appear in summer, the newspaper press almost invariably denies the truth of the reports, and, not unfrequently, showers upon the heads of those whose duty it is to pronounce upon the character of the prevailing disease, volumes of abuse and ridicule. People were left in the dark with the true severity of the infection and well as close by cases. No one was trained enough nor had been exposed to yellow fever enough to understand the specific cause and protection methods. The last board had been totally ineffective since it lacked sufficient authority to enforce its rules and regulations, and had been denied support by the city authorities” (Carrigan, 1853). “At the outbreak of the epidemic there was no city Board of Health in existence. In your post, write an argument based on the writings you just read, in which you prove to this poor misguided soul that the aspect you chose is indeed real​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​. For example, the witches’ sabbat, flying, the pact with Satan, the Devil’s mark. You must convince this heretic of the error of their ways! Choose one aspect of witchcraft that the authors in the discussion board readings discuss. You enter a tavern to ​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​slake your thirst when, horror of horrors, you overhear someone loudly proclaim that witches aren’t real. You can be either Protestant or Catholic. You are a university student studying theology, with plans to become a church official. Prompt: Close your eyes for a moment and imagine that the year is 1620.

The witchcraft sourcebook summary full#

Levack, The Witchcraft Sourcebook, 15, Lambert Daneau 17, Nicolas Remy 18, Martin del Rio 20, Francesco Maria Guazzo 21, Richard Bernard 23, Cotton Mather 24, James Hutchison Please address the following prompt, in at least 1 full paragraph.

The witchcraft sourcebook summary